The Neuroscience of Hope

The Neuroscience of Hope

Hope is a choice rooted in God’s unchanging Word. As you choose hope, you will see life through the eyes of faith, recognizing the possibilities God has prepared for you. Neuroscientific research on hope and positive expectation involves exploring how the brain processes these concepts and the impact they have on mental health, physical well-being, and faith. Join us today as we do a deep dive into how to cultivate hope in the heart.

A List of All the Miracles of Jesus

A List of All the Miracles of Jesus

Jesus performed miracles primarily out of deep compassion for people and a genuine concern for their well-being, both physically and spiritually. His miracles were not just displays of divine power; they were acts of love and mercy, addressing the immediate needs of those around Him.

One clear example of this is the feeding of the 5,000, where Jesus, moved by compassion, provided food for a large crowd that had been following Him and listening to His teachings. He understood their hunger and physical needs and acted to meet them, ensuring they would not go hungry. This miracle, like many others, was a tangible expression of His care for people, reflecting His desire to provide for them and to reveal God’s abundant love and provision.

Moreover, Jesus' miracles often pointed to a deeper spiritual truth: that just as He provided bread for the hungry, He also offered Himself as the "bread of life" to satisfy the spiritual hunger of the world. His miracles were signs that pointed to His identity as the Messiah, who came to bring healing, hope, and salvation to a broken and needy world. Through these acts, Jesus demonstrated that God's kingdom is one of compassion, justice, and love, where all needs are met, and no one is left wanting.

A New Heart: How Our Spiritual Heart Transplant Changes Everything

A New Heart: How Our Spiritual Heart Transplant Changes Everything

When you become a believer in Christ, something incredible happens—you receive a new heart. This isn’t just a metaphorical change; it’s a profound transformation that affects every aspect of your life. Just as a physical heart transplant can cause a person to take on the desires, interests, and even personality traits of the donor, our spiritual heart transplant does something even more miraculous: it encodes God’s desires into our very being.

List of Reasons Why God Sent Jesus to Earth

List of Reasons Why God Sent Jesus to Earth

In a world that often seems increasingly chaotic and dark, the reasons Jesus was sent provide a beacon of hope and encouragement for believers. As we reflect on the myriad purposes of His mission, we find reassurance and strength to continue our faith journey, trusting that His work will be fully accomplished, just as foretold in the parable of the wheat and the tares.

Quit Worrying About Making A Miatske

Quit Worrying About Making A Miatske

In a world that often measures worth by productivity and approval, it's easy to feel like we have to work tirelessly to earn acceptance. However, as believers in Christ, we are invited to approach our kingdom work from a place of rest, knowing that we are already approved by God through Christ's finished work. We can co-labor with Him, ceasing from our own works, resting in Christ’s completed work, and live free from the fear of scrutiny, thriving in our God-given passions and callings.

God Wants To Provide For You Because You Are Valuable to Him

God Wants To Provide For You Because You Are Valuable to Him

God declares Himself as your provider, a good Father who desires to bless and care for you. His ability to provide is independent of the economy, the stock market, or any other human systems we typically rely on. God's provision is spiritual in nature. Join us today as we explore the spiritual nature of His provision.

Pentecost: The Promise of Power

Pentecost: The Promise of Power

Thank you for joining us for Pentecost Sunday! Today we celebrate one of the greatest promises fulfilled, the giving of the Holy Spirit God’s spirit dwelling in the believer is the source of regeneration, salvation, and continual life in Christ. God’s Spirit living in you will bear fruit through you and empower you to minister God’s will to others. His Spirit will guide and correct you, He will give you strength and healing, and He will always remind you what Christ has accomplished for you.

You Can Heal People

You Can Heal People

Jesus healed people and he gave us his power to heal people. This should be the end of the story but we still live in bodies where sin is having an effect. Thankfully, we also have God’s spirit in us, giving life to our bodies. We’re not in a dualistic battle between the power of God and the power of sin, we have a belief issue that determines which one will bear fruit in our lives. Join us today as we continue our discussion on healing.