A Biblical Approach to Goal Setting

A Biblical Approach to Goal Setting

In our walk with God, there exists a delicate balance between His goals for our lives and our personal journey. Understanding this balance is crucial as we grow in faith, renew our minds, and pursue meaningful lives that glorify Him. This article explores how purposeful goal-setting, rooted in Kingdom principles, can foster personal growth and advance God's work on Earth.

Gratitude: The Secret Ingredient for Transformation

Gratitude: The Secret Ingredient for Transformation

Gratitude is often an underestimated virtue, but its power to transform our lives is profound. When we intentionally cultivate thanksgiving in our hearts, we align ourselves with God’s purposes, prepare the soil for His Word to grow, and open the door to the miraculous. Thanksgiving is not just a polite response to blessings; it is an act of faith and trust in the character and promises of God.

The Good News of Perpetual Sanctification: Resting in Christ's Finished Work

The Good News of Perpetual Sanctification: Resting in Christ's Finished Work

When we talk about sanctification, it's easy to slip into thinking it's something we have to work to achieve. We might feel we have to climb a mountain of effort, behavior, or spiritual discipline to reach holiness. But the truth, the Good News, is that sanctification isn’t something we accomplish through our own striving. Sanctification is a gift, completed in us by Jesus Himself. His once-and-for-all sacrifice has set us apart for God and made us holy, forever.

Perpetual Sanctification: Living in the Completed and Ongoing Work of Christ

Perpetual Sanctification: Living in the Completed and Ongoing Work of Christ

Sanctification should be understood as perpetual rather than progressive, meaning that we are already sanctified through the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ, and this sanctification continues to be effective in our lives.

Programming Your Heart to Trust and Obey God

Programming Your Heart to Trust and Obey God

Guarding your heart and keeping it open to the Spirit of God is essential for walking in His fullness. Proverbs 4:23 tells us, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." But how do we keep our hearts receptive to the Word of God and fertile ground for His Kingdom?

The answer lies in practicing four key spiritual disciplines that condition your heart to respond intuitively to God's Spirit:

  1. Judging God Faithful

  2. Putting on the New Man

  3. Doing Good to All

  4. Walking in Love

These spiritual disciplines are more than just religious activities—they are practices that align your heart with God's truth, making it sensitive to His Spirit and creating fertile soil for the Word of God to bear fruit in your life.

Lessons from Peter: How Jesus Corrects and Restores Us for His Mission

Lessons from Peter: How Jesus Corrects and Restores Us for His Mission

In the Gospels, the Apostle Peter stands out as one of the most passionate and impulsive followers of Jesus. His bold declarations and zealous actions often put him in situations where he unintentionally misrepresented the heart and mission of Christ. Yet, what is striking about Peter’s journey is not just his frequent need for correction, but the way Jesus responds to him with patience, grace, and unwavering trust. Each time Peter falters—whether by misunderstanding, acting out of fear, or even denying Jesus—he is met with loving rebuke, instruction, and restoration.

Do You Judge God Faithful?

Do You Judge God Faithful?

Faith is the key to unlocking the reality of God's Kingdom in our lives. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is not wishful thinking but a confident expectation based on God's character and promises. It is by faith that we understand spiritual truths and perceive God's Kingdom, even when it is not visible to our physical eyes.

Faith is the Evidence Your Heart Needs

Faith is the Evidence Your Heart Needs

Faith is not merely a mental exercise; it is an active, dynamic trust that works through love. By gathering evidence from God’s track record and reflecting on His faithfulness, we build a stronger, more resilient faith. This approach not only prepares us to face challenges with confidence but also aligns our hearts with God’s spiritual influence, refining our perception of His kingdom and leading us to live more fully in His grace and purpose.