Mind Renewal Coach & Pastor | Forward Ministries

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Clint Byars

Forward Ministries

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Clint and Sara Byars

Clint Byars is the founding and lead pastor of Forward Church in Sharpsburg, GA. He has authored 8 books and published over 100 teaching series. Clint created a series of prayer and meditation resources titled Tools for Transformation. Clint’s current project building Forward School of Transformation with courses and transformational journeys.

Clint has a practical yet profound teaching style that focuses on the New Covenant identity and authority of the believer. “I believe that when you experience God’s love, you will allow him to transform you.”

Clint graduated from Impact International School of Ministries, founded by Dr. Jim Richards, where he served as a youth pastor, outreach director, and ministry school instructor. Clint is also a regular guest speaker at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado, founded by Andrew Wommack.

You can access hundreds of free resources at clintbyars.com. We recommend becoming a monthly Resource Member, where you can download ALL of Clint’s teachings, meditations, and eBooks and also get course discounts.

A Welcome from Clint

I have danced with the devil and lived to tell the tale. I know what it's like to be in severe depression with no hope while your entire life falls apart. All this while lost, demon-possessed, and without Jesus.

I discovered the power of repentance. Repentance simply means to change your mind. I changed my mind about life. I changed my mind about God. I changed my mind about myself. I learned that if I controlled my thoughts, I could change my life.

I decided to become another person, someone with character and faith. Someone that could say no if I chose. Someone that lived in peace no matter the circumstance.

I have spent 25 years studying human behavior, the mind-body connection, transformation, and theology. This blend of study has prepared me to serve you and develop resources that will produce lasting transformation in your life.

My Story

I'm an Atlanta native, or as we say...Atlanna. I love the City of Atlanta. It seemed like all and I did was see bands and chase the eternal buzz as a kid growing up. I attended McIntosh High School where I was on the wrestling team. I thank God for wrestling, it kept me out of trouble and taught me self-discipline, but that went out the window when I dove deeper into substance abuse.

Devil Walk 2020.png

I started getting drunk on the weekends as a preteen, started smoking pot in my early teens which progressed into harder drugs like ecstasy, LSD and pretty much anything I could get my hands on.

My parents split up in the early part of high school which left me with a lot of unsupervised time to get in a lot of trouble.

Eventually I experienced something that forever changed my life. Until this event I wasn't religious. I had been to church a dozen times or so as a young child but it didn't make sense. By my teens I didn't believe in God. I believed in aliens. I used to sit on my roof, get high and ask the aliens to pick me up and take me for a ride. Yes, really.

I did manage to stay in school and did pretty well but I didn't have much direction. One particular night when I was 17, some friends and I dropped acid, which I had done dozens of times before, except this night was much different. I wrote about that night and the subsequent year in my book, Devil Walk.

This experience changed my life. The short version is; I started hearing voices which I knew were demons. The voices convinced me to believe that I was "dead" and in the "first level" of hell. I lived believing this lie for almost a year. Halfway through this experience I got saved but it was all still very confusing. Eventually I walked out my deliverance through a deep, personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus became so real to me during this time, he was my best friend that lovingly walked me back to life.

After making my way through a few years of college I met the love of my life at the University of Georgia. Sara was an answer to prayer, she was my perfect match. We moved back to Atlanta and got married. I was pursuing a Forestry degree but dropped out after realizing I didn’t want to spend my life in that field.

My mom was the catalyst for the next several events that led me to where I am today. She met a lady whose brother-in-law was a pastor. His name is David Michael of Faith Cornerstone Church. God profoundly used David and Erline Michael, and their family, in our lives. Pastor David was rock solid in the Gospel. His focus on the finished work of the cross solidified in me an understanding for the love of God and his transformative grace.

I don’t remember the specific day but I remember listening to David preach one day and thinking, this is what I want to do with the rest of my life. In that same time frame I heard God audibly speak to me “I will build you.” I have continued to let him build me since then. Pastor David introduced us to Jim Richards of Impact Ministries.


Sara and I moved to Huntsville, Alabama in 2000 to attend Impact International School of Ministry, pioneered by Dr. Jim Richards.

Both of our children were born during our time in Huntsville. We moved to Huntsville with the intention to get as much training as we could and come home to the Atlanta area to start a church.

Jim Richard's mentorship helped me refine my own holistic approach to ministry. Too often the Christian life is viewed as something that must be detached from this current world, as if this realm is evil and we must wait until we die to really experience God. While there are extremes on all sides of Christianity, there is a way of living on this planet, in these bodies where we can participate in the divine nature of God through the promises he secured for us through Christ.

Moving Forward

Toward the end of our time in Huntsville, God birthed the concept of Forward in me. He gave me the name Forward Ministries and Sara knew that our church was to be named Forward Church. The inspiration came from the story of Moses. Moses reluctantly followed God to deliver the children if Israel from Egyptian slavery. After successfully bringing the nation of the Hebrews out of Egypt, Moses found himself on the shore of the Red Sea with millions of people looking at him wondering what they were supposed to do.

Moses turns to God for help and God gives the most challenging answer. "Why are you crying to me Moses? Use the authority (staff) I've already given you and go FORWARD!" This has been a guiding compass for our ministry. People are afraid and feel powerless when the God of the universe has been with them all along and has already given them what they need to move forward in every area of life.

This is what I want to help you experience. I want to help you overcome your fear, confusion and limitations to move forward in every area of your life. You already have the power, I can show you how to use it. This is my prayer for you…

May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

2 Peter 1:2-4 NLT

The Ministry of Forward

You can change any area of your life by changing your thoughts, but you already knew that. What you don't know is how to think differently. You are transformed by the renewing of your mind, but that does not help you without knowing how to renew your mind.

I want to help you discover the power of repentance and mind-renewal. I want to help you put on the new-man. I want to help you walk in the power of your new creation identity in Christ. All of my teachings, courses and resources are focused on helping you know and live in the newness of life that comes from the glorious truth that Christ is alive in you and is seeking to live through you.

Here’s what I have to offer:

Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey. I pray God uses these resources in your life to bring you to a place of wholeness as you discover the transformative power of his grace.

Join our Forward Church Facebook Group to interact with a supportive and loving community.



Dr. Jim Richards - Impact Ministries
Clint Byars served on staff at Impact for 6 years.  No matter the situation, Clint showed compassion and kindness toward people which opened the door for him to effectively minister the Gospel to them. As far as I’m concerned Clint Byars has a better grasp on the New Convent and the eternal realities of God than most ministers I know. Plus, in life he is the real deal! You will benefit greatly from anything he writes or preaches!

Paul Ellis - Escape to Reality
If you have taken tests and quizzes to learn about your purpose in life, you have probably been left wondering, “God, what should I do?” But as Clint Byars explains in this book, this is the wrong question to ask. The book you are holding is unlike any book on calling I have read. And thank God for that! Who Do You Love? provides a simple yet practical take for activating the call of God on your life. I wish I had read it years ago. (Review of Who Do You Love?)

Ron Marquardt - Solutions Ministries
Clint Byars moves with the compassion of the Lord to reach this generation through the amazing giftings of the Holy Spirit. His attention to the visual gifts is unsurpassed because of this love-driven ministry your ministry will be set aflame. Clint encourages by the Spirit and provokes people to live their dreams. I highly recommend this ministry.

Kevin Penner - JesusHeals.ca
There is so much clarity and consistency of good news preaching and teaching coming from you! As a listener in Canada, your outreach online has enriched my family and many others everywhere.

Dan Snyder - Paper Lights – Producer, Musician
Clint can do it all. He’s great at organization, leadership, snowboarding, design, teaching etc.. His best qualities are his patience and care for people. Anyone who spends time with Clint is infected by his generosity and kindness. I worked closely with him for two years and my life is better for it.