You Can Be Healed Because You Are Forgiven

You Can Be Healed Because You Are Forgiven

Jesus suffered all the effects of your sin on the cross.

I mean, can we just pause and be thankful about that for a moment.

Because he suffered the penalty for your sin, this is true for you.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. - Romans 8:2

Now, before I get too far into this, let me make the clear statement that if you continue in sin, you will experience all sorts of death because you will reap what you sow, and if you continue to sow sin to the flesh, you will experience death.

It’s NOT from God!!!

Biblical Affirmations for Financial Promises

Biblical Affirmations for Financial Promises

In this blog, we establish the compelling connection between biblical meditation, positive affirmations, and financial promises. We explored how meditation, rooted in the wisdom of the Bible, can be a transformative practice in the realm of financial prosperity. By combining meditation with positive affirmations based on biblical truths, individuals can harness a powerful tool to align with God's financial promises and reshape their mindset regarding wealth and abundance. The objective here is not to compel God to act but to acknowledge that these financial promises are already a spiritual reality. Through meditation on passages highlighting God's character and financial provisions, people bridge the gap between faith and the financial realm, enabling them to experience the prosperity that God has ordained for their lives.

List of 100 Attributes of the Identity of Jesus - As You Behold Him You Become Like Him

List of 100 Attributes of the Identity of Jesus - As You Behold Him You Become Like Him

Use this huge list of attributes of Jesus to renew your mind and be transformed. As you behold Him, you become like Him. Use this list to behold His Majesty and allow these attributes to be reflected within you. Allow these powerful truths of the identity of Christ to shape you and conform you to His image.

Gratitude Is Proactive

Gratitude Is Proactive

Gratitude is proactive. A thankful person doesn't wait for something good to happen to be grateful toward God. A thankful mindset is aware of all that God has already done in Christ. True thankfulness gives thanks in all things because it knows that no matter what happens, we have a hopeful future in eternity with our Father in Heaven.

How to Remove Doubt from Your Heart

How to Remove Doubt from Your Heart

You think with your mind and your heart. But your heart is a deeper aspect of your being. Your heart is where you believe what you believe. Jesus said all things are possible when we doubt not in our hearts. Today we’ll discuss how to eliminate doubt so our beliefs and our thoughts are persuaded of God’s truth.

Writing on the Tablet of Your Heart

Writing on the Tablet of Your Heart

What you think in your mind is important, but what you believe in your heart is more important. The deep beliefs of your heart will override your more shallow thoughts. In this article, we’ll discuss how to align your heart with the Word of God and bring your thoughts and beliefs into harmony, so there are no more contradictions in your life and you can experience the transformative fruit of God’s Word from the heart.

Store Up Treasure in Heaven Through Secret Acts of Love

Store Up Treasure in Heaven Through Secret Acts of Love

God is more interested in private integrity than public piety. He’s more interested in who you are in the secret place than in the public square. Every moment of your life counts. God will reward you for every seemingly insignificant act of kindness, mercy, and compassion, and he will burn away from you everything done with a wrong motive. The judgment seat of Christ will be a profound moment in our future, but it should not be feared. God cares about every second of your life and will make that known to you in eternity as he rewards you for all the little things that no one sees.

All of the Goodness of Jesus is in you, acknowledge it to activate your faith

All of the Goodness of Jesus is in you, acknowledge it to activate your faith

As as we think in our hearts, so are we. Do you know how to think with your heart? Do you still think your heart is wicked, evil, and deceitful? We have good news for you today. God put a new heart in you that knows how to hear and obey God. You must renew your mind so your heart awakens unto righteousness and lives from the power of God’s spirit within. Today’s message may challenge you but it will equip you to live in the power of righteousness if you will believe with your heart that God has truly made you righteous and holy.

How to Capture and Control Negative Thoughts

How to Capture and Control Negative Thoughts

Your brain might betray you, but the Word of God never will. Wouldn’t it be nice if your thoughts were always in alignment with the Word of God? You’d always know God’s perspective on any matter. You can experience this, but it takes some effort. In this message, we discuss how to bring your thoughts captive and align them with what Christ accomplished through His obedience and how to allay that to your life.