“My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.”
Proverbs 23:7a states, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."
Since you ultimately live according to the beliefs of your heart, it is crucial to become proficient in writing and affirming truth on the tablet of your heart. What you believe about yourself (write on your heart) significantly influences your emotions, feelings, choices, and habits more than anything else.
If you can align your self-beliefs with how God sees you in Christ, you will always experience peace, regardless of your external circumstances.
This way of life will also continually open opportunities for you to step into what God has planned for you because you will be receptive. The question isn't, "God, will you help me?" The question is, "Am I receptive to the Holy Spirit in this moment, considering my current thoughts and beliefs?"
God is trying to help you, but your thoughts might be drowning out His voice. The beliefs of your heart may actually be in direct opposition to God's wisdom and logic that He's trying to impart to you.
Often, we find ourselves in desperate situations and cry out to God for help. But due to our state of mind and the prevailing beliefs we have affirmed in that area, we may be unable to align with His will and take the action He's suggesting. We end up rejecting the way in which He is trying to supply grace and mercy to assist us.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone asked you a question, but when you answered, they missed the point you were trying to make? They either misunderstood or refused to consider your perspective.
That's what we do to God. We ask for help, but His answer doesn't make sense because we've allowed fear, lack, trauma, irresponsibility, and sin to write on the tablet of our hearts. So when He speaks to our heart or attempts to provide grace, we can't receive it because we've spent too much time affirming things that contradict His ways and logic.
There is no substitute for time in the saddle, meaning time thinking about and pondering upon his word. I pray you find a way to incorporate a steady diet of his ways and logic into your life.
I pray that you take the time to listen to this message and extract nuggets that you can put into practice in your life. Please let me know what stands out to you.