The Witness Within: God Confirms Your Sonship to Guide Your Steps

The Witness Within: God Confirms Your Sonship to Guide Your Steps

You don’t do what you do because it’s right or wrong; you do what you do because you believe that’s who you are. We make decisions that mirror our self-image. That self-portrait we have of ourselves guides our behavior and decisions at a deeper than conscious level. We don’t even think about it; we just act and decide, based on that self-portrait, whether healthy or destructive. Whether it leads to life or death, we nearly automatically live out our lives based on who we think we are.

Hey Mom, The World Needs Who You Were Meant To Be - Callie Coryell & Clint Byars

Hey Mom, The World Needs Who You Were Meant To Be - Callie Coryell & Clint Byars

It's easy to take our mothers for granted. Many of us have or had wonderful moms, while others did not. This can be a restful, joyous day for some; for others, it can be a day of bitterness and remorse. Whatever your experience, there is biblical instruction regarding both sides of motherhood that is valuable and applicable. Happy Mother's Day!!!

The Spiritual Big Picture of God's Kingdom

The Spiritual Big Picture of God's Kingdom

In the beginning, before time and space existed, there was God, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). Everything that exists was created by Him, for Him, and through Him (Colossians 1:16). The universe, with its trillions of galaxies and stars, is just a small part of God's infinite existence. His rule and reign transcend infinitely beyond the created realm.

God decided to create a planet in the center of a solar system in the middle of this universe and fill it with all kinds of living creatures. But He had a special plan for this planet. He created a species of being that was like Him and gave them rule and reign over the planet and realm. As Jesus said, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?" (John 10:34).

Splagchnizomai - Jesus Was Moved with Compassion for People

Splagchnizomai - Jesus Was Moved with Compassion for People

In Acts 2 and Hebrews 1, we discover that many of David's Psalms have prophetic significance. David's prophetic Messianic Psalms uniquely connect with the heart of Jesus and express what he would experience during his trial, beating, crucifixion, time in Hades, and his resurrection.

For instance, Psalm 18 provides a powerful firsthand account of the resurrection of Christ, while Psalm 22 expresses the experience of Christ on the cross. Similarly, Psalm 110 reveals Christ's heart while in the heart of the earth after his death.

While Matthew records the words of Christ on the cross, we can gain even more insights into his experience by looking at the Psalms that Jesus identifies with. Studying these Psalms can help us personalize and appreciate the suffering Christ endured for our sake.

We Can Know What Jesus Was Thinking On The Cross

We Can Know What Jesus Was Thinking On The Cross

In Acts 2 and Hebrews 1, we discover that many of David's Psalms have prophetic significance. David's prophetic Messianic Psalms uniquely connect with the heart of Jesus and express what he would experience during his trial, beating, crucifixion, time in Hades, and his resurrection.

For instance, Psalm 18 provides a powerful firsthand account of the resurrection of Christ, while Psalm 22 expresses the experience of Christ on the cross. Similarly, Psalm 110 reveals Christ's heart while in the heart of the earth after his death.

While Matthew records the words of Christ on the cross, we can gain even more insights into his experience by looking at the Psalms that Jesus identifies with. Studying these Psalms can help us personalize and appreciate the suffering Christ endured for our sake.

Listening to Your Heart: The Science and Spirituality of Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Listening to Your Heart: The Science and Spirituality of Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Asking your heart questions and pausing to feel the answer is a process that involves tapping into your inner wisdom and intuition. This process is based on the science of heart coherence and the mind-body connection, and also has spiritual roots in the teachings of Jesus.

In the teachings of Jesus, there is a parable about sowing the word in different types of soil, which represents the receptiveness of the heart. In Mark 4:3-9, Jesus describes how some seed falls on rocky soil, some on thorny soil, some on the wayside, and some on good soil. The good soil represents the heart that is receptive and fertile to receive the word of God and bear fruit.

In a similar way, heart coherence can be seen as the condition of the heart soil that allows for the planting and nurturing of seeds of truth and wisdom. When the heart is in a state of coherence, it is more receptive and open to receive and integrate new insights and beliefs. This is analogous to the good soil that is ready to receive and nourish the seeds of the word.

22 Things Jesus Did For You

22 Things Jesus Did For You
  1. Jesus became our sin so we could become righteous. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

  2. Jesus was cursed so we could be blessed. (Galatians 3:13-14)

  3. Jesus was wounded so we could be healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

  4. Jesus was made a curse so we could receive the promise of the Spirit. (Galatians 3:14)

These are just a few examples of the many ways that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has transformed our lives and provided us with hope and redemption.

The Heart of Jesus: Enduring for the Joy Set Before Him

The Heart of Jesus: Enduring for the Joy Set Before Him

Jesus knew that God had sent him into the world to die on the cross and save sinners. The last week of his earthly life was heart-wrenching and painful, but he endured it for us. Jesus asked God if there was a different plan, not wanting to be forsaken by his Father, but he still endured. He endured the shame of the cross for the joy set before him, which is us. Thank you for joining us today. We pray that today's journey through Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane encourages you and gives you hope to remain faithful.

Jesus Gave Us A Strategy to Win the World Through Love

Jesus Gave Us A Strategy to Win the World Through Love

The world should know us by our love for one another, and our unity in Christ as believers should compel the world to believe. It’s a big circle that brings us back to God’s first action, to love us and send Jesus for us. It’s amazing that our love for one another and our unity in Christ should be a call to the world to believe that God loves them and sent Jesus for them too.

God's Words are the Spiritual DNA of Life

God's Words are the Spiritual DNA of Life

Jesus said his words are spirit and life. His words are not just ideas, they are packages of spiritual life. His words created the universe. His words uphold all things. His words are not just ideas for us to ponder, they are packages of spiritual life for us to digest and assimilate into our entire being to experience transformation, enjoy health, and walk in power