How Should You Pray Under the New Covenant?

How Should You Pray Under the New Covenant?

I have this discussion alot, centered around this question, "how do I pray under the New Covenant." We must remember that in Christ we are complete, he has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness and all his promises are yes and amen. We are not asking God to give us something we don't already have in Christ. Prayer should be from the perspective to have our hearts and eyes enlightened to see and experience what is already ours in Christ.

Feed on the Body and Blood of Christ

Feed on the Body and Blood of Christ

What does it mean to feed on his flesh and drink his blood?

John 4:31 In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” 32 But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.”

Jesus informs his disciples that there is a different kind of food available that nourishes us and strengthens us in place of natural food. It’s spiritual food but it is accessed with intention, by grace through faith. God will not spoon feed you the sustenance of his spirit like a baby, you must pick up a cup and drink.

How do you ;ick up that cup? Jesus said he did it by doing the will of his father and by fulfilling God’s will for his life.

God Does Not Want to Judge You

God Does Not Want to Judge You

Jesus bore God's wrath and judgment for sin in his body on the cross as the sin offering for the world. Now that Christ is in you, you don't ever have to worry about being judged by God. Jesus explains why throughout the Gospel of John.

The Father’s Desire for you is Eternal Life

The Father’s Desire for you is Eternal Life

If you're going to have beliefs about God, base them on the instances where God describes himself, not your interpretation of a broken world's circumstances. God is not trying to make your life challenging to teach you lessons, he wants you to thrive and experience abundant life.

God's Love Is More Than A Nice Idea, It's Power Within You

God's Love Is More Than A Nice Idea, It's Power Within You

God's love for you is more than just how he feels about you. His love is more than just His motivation for sending Jesus. His love is an active force in your inner being that has an effect. His love is not just positive thoughts he has about you, it's an actual power than flows from Him into your heart that does things.

What does God's love do? It causes you to be whole.

The sacrifice of Christ made a way for your relationship with God to be restored. But His love, poured out in your heart, is actively making your entire being whole and complete, spirit, soul, and body.

God's love is more than just a nice idea to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, it's the most powerful force in existence, and it's active in you.

Spirits, Ghosts, and Messages from the Other Side

Spirits, Ghosts, and Messages from the Other Side

Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in demons? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you think they are active in the world today? Christians have the capacity to distinguish between spirits and discover the truth. Jesus promised His spirit would come to live inside us and testify of Him when we are born again. His spirit inside us helps us not to be led astray by lying and deceiving spirits. Join us today and learn how to keep your hope anchored in Jesus and not be led astray by messages from the other side.

Quantum Entanglement and the Power of Prayer

Quantum Entanglement and the Power of Prayer

Quantum Mechanics has shown us that there seems to be a different set of laws of physics at the quantum level. At that level, matter appears to respond to human observation rather than continuing along a deterministic course. From this understanding, we can glean insight into the power of prayer and how our prayer is powerful. Like the Centurion soldier healed by Jesus sending the word, we are connected by an unseen field that can manifest the will of God through prayer.

You Become Like Him as You Get to Know Him

You Become Like Him as You Get to Know Him

Do you need to make some changes in your life? Look at Jesus and you’ll change.

Ok, it’s not quite that simple, but it’s not much more complicated. The Apostle Paul said, “we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” Most people would say this passage refers to Christ’s return, but it’s also a principle that applies now.

When you see Jesus for who he is, you become more like him. Conformity into his image is the natural fruit of a deeper revelation of who he is.

Finished Work Inner Healing and Deliverance

Finished Work Inner Healing and Deliverance

When it comes to deliverance under the New Covenant, you need to know two things:

Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son - Colossians 1:13

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - James 4:7

You don’t need to go through a complicated system to find the spiritual roots of the sickness, trauma, sin, or anything else that’s ungodly in your life. Instead, you need to stand in your identity in Christ and your authority in Christ. Then, as you stand and renew your mind, your heart becomes persuaded, and you become impervious to lies and deception. And the devil can’t touch you, just like Jesus.

I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. - John 14:30

Beware of Spiritual Dead Works

Beware of Spiritual Dead Works

Beware works that look spiritual but are actually efforts of the flesh mindset. If you’re trying to get something from God by doing something in the spiritual realm, you are probably “in the flesh.” Meaning, you think you can get something from God based on a work like giving, repenting, forgiving, rebuking, and so on.