How Should You Pray Under the New Covenant?
I have this discussion alot, centered around this question, "how do I pray under the New Covenant." We must remember that in Christ we are complete, he has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness and all his promises are yes and amen. We are not asking God to give us something we don't already have in Christ. Prayer should be from the perspective to have our hearts and eyes enlightened to see and experience what is already ours in Christ.
Pray from Christ's Finished Work
Prayer changes things. Prayer changes us, it changes the world around us, it changes people, but it doesn’t change God. Prayer doesn’t cause God to respond and give you what you want. God doesn’t have anything else to give to you. The only thing God has left to give you is wisdom, revelation and guidance on how to live within everything he’s already given you.
What Does “Willful Sin” mean in Hebrews?
To understand a letter or a book, it’s best to read the whole thing, especially when it comes to the Bible. It’s important to know how an author defines certain words and who he is speaking to. Take this verse for example…
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-27
Do you know what he means by “if we go on sinning deliberately?” Most folks will say “it’s obvious, he’s talking about adultery, drunkenness, immorality and sexual sin.” Except he isn’t. Let me explain.
The Eternal Royal Grant New Covenant
When the Old Covenant prophets prophesied the New Covenant, they were declarations from God regarding what he would do for his people. He announces promises and blessings for those in this New Covenant. There is no curse outlined for breaking the New Covenant, only the possibility of missing out on the promises if they didn’t follow his instructions.
Understand the Different Kinds of Covenants
Have Faith in God and Hope in His Promise
Eternal life is the promise from God that we are saved from sin, death and separation from him. We can have hope in the promise because the one who made the promise is able to keep that promise.
This is the crux of Christianity, we can trust the one who has made us promises. Problems arise when you don't know what he's promised. Debates arise over what he actually has promised.
We know for sure that God has promised eternal life to all those who come to him in the name of Jesus Christ, by grace through faith. So we can rest assured that we can hope for (confidently expect) to live with God, in God, for all eternity in a perfect place, the restored Eden, Heaven.
List of in Christ, in Him Scriptures to establish your heart in your new creation identity in Christ
Use these passages as a tool for renewing your mind to the truth that you are seated with Christ in Heavenly places and He dwells within you in this Earth. Personalize these passages. See yourself through your new identity in Christ. Meditate on each one until you not only understand what they mean and you feel the associated emotions. While we don't live by emotions, we don't really believe a truth that we don't feel. Use these passages to become convinced of and confident in your new creation reality. All Scriptures are from the Amplified Version.