
Spiritual Mindfulness

Spiritual Mindfulness

How do you become spiritually minded? Fill your mind with thoughts that are true about spiritual realities. For example, when you are feeling sad, you can begin to meditate on the idea that the joy of the Lord is your strength. Once that becomes a reality in your heart, your experience will change, and joy will replace sadness.

There is plenty of instruction in scripture on what and how to think. In any situation you face in life, there is a promise related to your spiritual existence. The external status may not change, but your inner man and the state of your life don't have to be swayed by those external circumstances.

It's not just positive thinking; it's about changing your thoughts and feelings to match what God says is possible, rather than embracing the physical circumstance. As you hold God's promise, specifically his Word concerning that promise, it can and will manifest into your life.

The Word of God is alive. The Word of God planted in a believing heart can and will produce joy, peace, healing, righteousness, transformation, and any other aspect of abundant life that Jesus died for you to have.

God's Ways Are Higher Than Ours But He Reveals Them To Us

God's Ways Are Higher Than Ours But He Reveals Them To Us

People misquote passages like “God’s ways are higher than our ways,” as a justification to be confused about God’s will. The fact is, if you are a Christian, God’s Spirit lives in you and is teaching you God’s ways. He even gave us a book to renew our minds so we would know his ways and be able to teach others his ways. Join us today as we discuss how to know God’s ways.