“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
#2 in The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
In the sermon above, Hearing God For Yourself, I walk you through a simple yet powerful exercise in hearing God after a bit of teaching. We focus on hearing the Holy Spirit testify of Jesus in the main areas of life; Identity, physical health, mental health, finances, relationships, career, and your calling. Click play to begin the video while you read the rest of this article.
God Is Always Speaking
The Holy Spirit lives in you. He is continually speaking to you. You hear him better than you think. I know that because when you were born again, God placed his spirit in your and gave you a new heart that is tuned to his voice. Your new nature allows God to live in your and speak to you through your heart, directly into your inner man. You hear him all the time, you probably just overlook his voice because you’re expecting something more intellectual or phenomenal.
You may not be confident in thinking and hearing with this new heart, but you can be confident. The good news is you can discipline yourself to hear and follow God.
I developed an easy process to anchor your mind and heart in the words of Jesus, so you’ll hear him in the most basic areas of life. If you can read the Bible, you can hear God. God will affirm and quicken his written word to become a living word for you. The quickened living word may have been written thousands of years ago, but the words of Jesus are life and truth, they’re able to give you life in every situation today.
Practical Application
Walk through the practical and easy-to-follow exercise in the video above.
Main Areas of life
Physical Health
Mental Health
Career / Job
Calling / Purpose
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