God is a Constant in a World Full of Variables

In mathematical equations, there are constants and variables. A constant has a fixed numerical value, while a variable may be unknown or can variate. In the formula d = 2r; 2 is a constant whereas, r and d are variables. To solve the equation, you work out the problem until you define the variables. In math, once you solve variables, you can build skyscrapers or balance budgets. In science, when you isolate and know the variables, you can cure diseases or develop all sorts of effective medicines.

The point being, if you solve the problems by working out the variables until they are known constants, you’re left with a reliable formula or process, and sometimes a scientific law.

Spiritual Equations

How does this apply to spirituality? Let’s look at some examples:

  • Sickness x b = Health

  • a + Financial Hardship = More Than Enough

  • Depression x Fear + c = Joy

The constants are known. In these cases, the constants are personally experienced. The result or solution is known. But the variable is unknown. How to reach the desired solution is unknown because there are variables.

In these equations, we know God has something to do with the variables, but we’re not sure how He changes the other constants to come to these favorable results.

Here’s the short answer; you’re not going to know.

The problem is this; we think we know what God needs to do to change the unfavorable constants into favorable solutions and results. We try to define the variables in our understanding and end up limiting God’s potential solutions for those variables.

When you try to define God’s responsibilities for Him, you narrow the options He can bring about in your life. In other words, if you think one thing needs to happen, but He wants to do something else, you may close off your heart to the option He’s trying to bring to you.

You may miss the wisdom or direction He’s trying to give you because you are focused on the reality of the constant or your preconception of how to solve the variable.

God Is Unlimited

God is unlimited in His capacities and solutions. He can bring about answers and favorable solutions in ways we can’t imagine. It’s best to allow God to be God and simply trust that He will be God in your life.

Now, you can do this;

You can add your knowledge of who God is to the equation. Acknowledge the variable but also acknowledge what you know about the character of God. In other words, as you’re waiting for God to solve a, b or c, you can think on what’s true of Him.

For example; we know that God is powerful. We know God is a provider. We know God is a healer. We know God is a redeemer. We know God is willing to meet all our needs according to His riches in glory. We know He has defeated the enemy on our behalf. We know that we are in right standing through the sacrifice of Christ. We know that His spirit is in us leading and guiding us into all truth. What else do you know?

So we conclude that we can expect God to solve these equations in a manner that’s consistent with what is known about him. The more you are persuaded of God’s constants, the more you can relax and trust that He is working to solve those equations for you.

So basically, stop trying to figure it out and trust him.

A Warning

The more you try to figure out your life’s equations in your understanding, the less you will be open to His working in your life’s equations. When you add the cares of this world to the equation, and the deceitfulness of riches to the equation, you cause yourself not to be able to receive His solutions.

When you depend on money as your provider, when you look to the government for fix things for you, you limit yourself from perceiving God’s answers. When fear overrides faith, you may even stop looking to God to solve those equations for you.

Be At Peace

There are things you can do to make sure you are primed to receive His solutions. One thing you can do is think spiritually.

But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14

So you could say the spiritual mind does receive the things of the spirit. “Receive” is the operative word. The spiritual mind RECEIVES the things of the spirit, and even KNOWS the things of the spirit.

You will not work out your own life’s equations and end up with correct solutions if you try to figure them out with natural logic. If God’s solutions seem illogical to you, you know you are thinking carnally or naturally. If God’s solutions or promises seem plausible to you, you are thinking spiritually. Keep on thinking that way. In other words, stay in faith.

Sometimes faith is a fight. It’s a mental battle to push back rationality, fear, doubt, and emotion in favor of God’s word. Jesus tells us that worry, anxiety, and natural thinking actually limit the growth of his kingdom into our lives. (Mark 4)

Stay open, stay in faith toward God, suspend your desire to work out your life;’s variables with your natural thinking.

God is alive, He is active, He is moving on your behalf, He is bringing you solutions that establish His favorable will in your life. Allow Him to do so by not factoring doubt, fear, and worry into the equation, thereby limiting what you can receive from Him.

I’ll end with a question, what can you do to stay in faith toward him? Go ahead and do that.

Clint Byars

Believer, Husband, Father