“Revelation is not when God decides to tell you something you didn’t know, revelation happens when your heart sees what’s already true.”
Did you know you can hear from God anytime you want? God is never silent! We may be more focused on life’s circumstances and ignore His voice, but he is without a doubt speaking. If you can’t hear him in your heart in prayer, you can go to his written word and listen to Him. Whether He said it 3000 years ago or 3 seconds ago, His logos can give you life at any moment.
In this message, I walk you through the first chapter of Colossians and show you how to read in such a way that His word comes alive in you. The question is this, can you look at His written logos and appreciate what’s there?
Art Appreciation
Do you enjoy art or music? Have you ever gazed at a sculpture or painting notice more and more the longer you stare? You end up getting more out of the art than it holds at face value. A true work of art will evoke an emotional response. Art can be transcendent, opening your heart and mind to different layers and even move you at a deep level.
The written logos of God is the same way. You can look at it at face value, but you can gaze a little deeper and allow it to speak to you. If you appreciate what’s written at face value, you can relax your eyes a little and look with your heart. In fact, you WANT to look at the written word with the eyes of your heart.
Two Sets of Eyes
When you look at the written logos of God with the eyes of your heart, you see the unlimited potentials behind what’s written. Look at it with a spiritual lens, knowing that anything is possible. If you’re reading a miraculous story, see yourself in the image. Dream a little, allow it to inspire an emotional response. Use your imagination.
Once you see the potentials and allow a little hope to arise, make sure you don’t immediately look at your life to see the same things. In other words, allow the experience to build in your heart. Give it time to grow. You are not going to receive revelation with the eyes of your heart and then immediately see it with the eyes in your head in your life.
The eyes of your heart see spiritual seeds and promises. The eyes of your head see the evidence. But the evidence can take time.
It’s your job to sow the logos before you need it, so you can reap the harvest of the promises and provision in God’s word when you need it.
Step 1: Watch the full sermon
Step 2: Read through the book of Colossians for yourself and apply the reading method I teach you in the sermon.
Step 3: Write down the revelation you receive while reading
Step 4: DO IT!!! Put it in to practice.