What Do We Know?

The scientific world asks, “what do we know” when seeking to establish accurate results. The Law Enforcement community asks, “what do we know” when trying to examine evidence and find the truth. The same question can be asked when seeking to establish God’s Word in your heart.

What do I know to be true about God” is an excellent question to ponder when you pray. Start with what you know is true, then pray about the things you need to pray.

Our prayers are usually motivated by need, fear, and worry. It’s ok to pray about what you need and the things that you’re worried about, just make sure you know what God has said about those things before you pray.

For example, if you are in debt or you’re behind on your bills, and you pray to God for financial help, make sure your heart is aware of who God is regarding finances.

“Father, I know you are a provider. I know you desire to meet my needs out of your riches in glory, exceedingly, abundantly above all I can ask or think. I know you are a good father who will not give me stones when I ask for bread. I know that Jesus was made poor that I could become rich. I know you desire to bless me so I can be a blessing to others. I thank you that you know what I need before I even ask. I thank you that you want me to be prosperous and be in health above everything else. I know you can make a way where there is no way. I thank you for the testimony of Jesus finding money in a fish’s mouth. I thank you that we have the testimony of Jesus multiplying food. I thank you that your spirit is in me, leading me and guiding me into all truth. Because you are a provider and want all these things for me, I can rest in you, I can trust you, I can let go of fear and worry and be confident that you will lead me into success. I am willing to do whatever you lead me to do, Father, thank you for a clear step to take to experience you as my provider.”

Think of an area you have been praying about and craft a prayer like this that is more focused on who he is than you need.

How Do We Know What We Know?

The idea is to become aware of who God is and acknowledge that he is that in your life. You don’t even have to ask him for things. He knows what you need. A better way to pray is to acknowledge who he is simply. Meditate on who he is until you are more moved by who he is than your need. Meditate and pray on the nature and presence of God until he is more real than your struggle. Become confident in God in your heart, and then something very magical happens, the kingdom and off of God’s promises will grow into your life.

Here’s how Jesus explains it in Mark 4 —

The kingdom of God is as if a farmer should scatter seed on the ground. The ground is your heart. The farmer sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed (Word/kingdom) sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The seed produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.

God’s word will bear fruit after its kind. When you meditate on who he is (spreading seed in your heart), his kingdom will grow in you and into your life. We don’t know how it works, we can’t control the process, but if we allow his word to abide in us, his word, his promises will manifest in our lives.

Prayer is a time to spread seed in your heart and your life. Prayer is the continual watering and cultivation of that seed you’ve spread. It’s important NOT to let worry, fear, cares of this world, and the lust of other things choke out those seeds from growing.

Pray God’s character into your life. Pray the identity of God rather than rehearsing your problems. Pray God’s truth and watch your life reflect his will.

Clint Byars

Believer, Husband, Father