
Discover Your Dignity and Worth

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You are the prize of God’s creation. God so highly values mankind that he made an entire universe, just for us, and gave us a planet upon which to experience his abundance. It is His good pleasure to give us His Kingdom and he’s not withhold anything from us.

The problem is that we struggle with believing that we deserve to walk in his promises because of our performance. When we begin to see ourselves through God’s eyes, sin will no longer be an issue and we’ll love others with the perfect love that Jesus showed us.

We are commanded to love others but most can’t do that because they do not love themselves. In this series you’ll learn how to let go of a destructive self-opinion and be transformed by the incredible value that God has for you. You are worth more than you think.

If you desire to see miracles in your life and through you, for others, this series will give you a jump start by showing you the way Jesus did it. Jesus was so moved with compassion that “he healed them all”. If you desire to see God’s power work through you, it’s easier than you think.

Also in this series:

  • Learn to love yourself because of the high price paid for you

  • Walk in the compassion Jesus has toward others

  • Break free from the pain of judging yourself and others

  • Never again give into the need to cut others down

  • Discover the true source of abundant provision