Doesn’t that feel better? A couple of things happen when you relax; your body begins to repair itself and your spiritual heart settles down, making it easier to be led by God. Once you are relaxed and focused on God, you can intentionally meditate on His Word to renew your mind and experience transformation. I can teach you the art of relaxation and meditation, and equip you to live a transformed life!
My Tools for Transformation are mind-renewal resources that will empower you to experience transformation and move forward in every area of your life. Here’s a free one to get you started.
The technique in this free resource serves as the basis for all of my Tools for Transformation. Grab some headphones, sit back and enjoy the experience. You can read more about the benefits of physical relaxation below.
I created this physical relaxation audio track to serve as a basis for all of my TOOLS FOR TRANSFORMATION, apply this technique as you listen to each prayer and meditation resource in the TOOLS FOR TRANSFORMATION library.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...”
Meditation is what the Bible calls mind-renewal. You are encouraged to put off the old man and put on the new man, in your mind. Biblical meditation is when you hold God’s Word in your heart and mind until it produces fruit. New Age meditation has the focus of emptying your mind and opening yourself to the universe. Biblical meditation is intentionally placing your focus on Christ to be influenced and shaped by his spirit. New Age meditation encourages you to open yourself to any source, Biblical meditation encourages you to open your heart to the Lord.
“Since you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. SET YOUR MIND on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
Physical Relaxation
Your body works better when you are relaxed, it’s part of God’s design. He wants you at peace, enjoying the fruit of his presence within. Your immune system produces antibodies more effectively, your brain focuses more clearly and your inner man hears God more accurately when you are relaxed and at peace.
Stress and pain often overshadow peace, but with a little practice you can learn to intentionally relax your body and enhance the fruitfulness of your prayer life.
Relaxation techniques can decrease the effects of stress on your mind and body. You can learn to overcome everyday stress and even improve health problems like heart disease, depression, anxiety and physical pain. Whether your stress is spiraling out of control or you already have it tamed, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques.
Learning basic relaxation techniques is easy. When faced with numerous responsibilities and tasks or the demands of an illness, relaxation techniques may not be a priority in your life. But that means you might miss out on the health benefits of relaxation. De-stressing and relaxing can also improve a host of emotional and psychological disorders.
Health Benefits of Physical Relaxation
All the chemical process in your body produce more efficiently and effectively
Lower heart rate
Lower blood pressure
Improves digestion
Helps normalize blood sugar levels
Reduces activity of stress hormones
Increases blood flow to major muscles
Reduces muscle tension and chronic pain
Improves concentration and mood
Improves sleep quality
Lowers fatigue
Reduces anger and frustration
Boosts confidence to handle problems
“Be still and know that I am God...”
Physical Relaxation and Prayer
Physical relaxation is the foundation for fruitful prayer and meditation.
Prayer and meditation is a time to honor and worship God, as well as renew your mind to who you are in him and who he is in you. Each time you pray, you can walk away strengthened and encouraged, built up in his word.
Often times you are stressed and worried when you pray. If you pray but do not walk away from your prayer time more confident in God’s faithfulness, you may actually be reinforcing doubt and unbelief in your heart.
When your heart is overcharged with fear and worry, it is difficult to receive from God. When you intentionally release stress and worry before you pray, you allow your mind to focus on God’s wisdom and direction more clearly.
Prayer is a time to set your eyes on Christ. God invites you to make your requests known to him but he also says he’ll provide all that you need. If you think about it, you typically pray for the same things over and over. God already knows what you need, he is not withholding what you need, but your heart may not be at a place where you can receive what he has for you. He is faithful and is seeking to establish his good plans in your life. Let me help you slow down and connect with God.
Relaxation Techniques
Autogenic Relaxation
Autogenic means something that comes from within you. In this relaxation technique, you use both visual imagery and body awareness to reduce stress.
You repeat words or suggestions in your mind that may help you relax and reduce muscle tension. For example, you may imagine a peaceful setting and then focus on controlled, relaxing breathing, slowing your heart rate, or feeling different physical sensations, such as relaxing each arm or leg one by one.
Once relaxed you can acknowledge God in your heart and become more receptive to his guidance, wisdom and provision.
My Tools for Transformation provide a pleasant guided prayer to help you stay focused on His word so it will grow in your life. God’s word is like a seed, it will grow on its own, you just have to take care of the soil.
In this relaxation technique, you may form mental images to take a visual journey to a peaceful, calming place or situation.
To relax using visualization, try to incorporate as many senses as you can, including smell, sight, sound and touch. If you imagine relaxing at the ocean, for instance, think about the smell of salt water, the sound of crashing waves and the warmth of the sun on your body. If you imagine being in Heaven with Jesus, you might hear the sound of the river rushing from His throne or the singing of angels in the background.
During visualization you will want to close your eyes, sit in a quiet spot, loosen any tight clothing, and concentrate on your breathing. In this relaxed state, turn the eyes of your heart to the Lord and allow him to minister to you. He may give you visions and gently speak in your heart. Be ready to commune with him. Expect to hear from him.
As you learn relaxation techniques, you can become more aware of muscle tension and other physical sensations of stress. Once you know what the stress response feels like, you can make a conscious effort to practice a relaxation technique the moment you start to feel stress symptoms. This can prevent stress from spiraling out of control.
Remember that relaxation techniques are skills. As with any skill, your ability to relax improves with practice. Be patient with yourself. Don't let your effort to practice relaxation techniques become yet another stressor.
Also, bear in mind that some people, especially those with serious psychological issues and a history of abuse, may experience feelings of emotional discomfort during some relaxation techniques. Although this is rare, if you experience emotional discomfort during relaxation techniques, stop what you're doing and consider talking to your pastor or mental health provider.
The free exercise at the top of this page serves as the basis for all my Tools for Transformation. If you can learn to incorporate physical relaxation and intentional mind-renewal into your prayer life, you will see more consistent and lasting transformation.
Once you learn to relax and focus your mind through meditation, you can move on to using my TFT resources for specific areas like IDENTITY, HEALING, WISDOM, PROVISION and MORE.