“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”
You Can Expect Healing
You Can Heal People
The Creative and Authoritative Power of the Spoken Word
Allow the Word of God to Build Life in You
Healing should be simple.
You’re forgiven, so you’re qualified for healing. Jesus bore your sickness on the cross, so you don’t have to. He paid your sin debt, so you‘re free from the law of sin and death. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is giving life to your physical body.
Jesus is God, and he went around healing everyone who asked for it, even some who didn’t, so we see it’s his will to heal people who ask.
Then, he gave his disciples, plus 70 others, the power to heal people. When the disciples couldn’t get healing to work, they didn’t attribute their inability to heal people to God’s timing or his will for some to be sick. They wondered why it didn’t work, they took responsibility for it not working. They asked Jesus, and he gave them an answer; he said their unbelief was keeping them from being able to heal people. This was basically the same answer we were given when Jesus “couldn’t do many miracles except heal a few sick folks” in his hometown; it was their unbelief, not Jesus withholding healing.
In this series, discover…
How forgiveness qualifies you for healing
How to use the power Jesus gave you to heal people
How to send the Word for healing
How to allow the Word to be fruitful
How to stop choking the Word so it bears fruit