Filled with Power

The Baptism of the Spirit and Your Eternal Identity


  1. Living Spiritually is Natural

  2. Adoption Through the Baptism of the Spirit

  3. Filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit

  4. Tongues of Power

  5. Are You Feeling Stuck in Your Faith?

  6. The Most Challenging Sermon You Will Ever Hear

  7. Living From Your True Eternal Self

What is the Baptism of the Spirit? Is it a separate event? Do believers need another filling to have all of God's spirit?

What does Jesus expect of you? Can you live up to those expectations? The truth is, Jesus expects you to do the impossible.  He expects that because he has given you His spirit, which is unlimited and unrivaled in ability and power. Jesus expects you to use His power and His indwelling spirit to affect this physical world with His will.

The Baptism of the Spirit has become a point of division in the body of Christ when in reality it is the very power we need to live the kind of lives Jesus expects from us. This series will walk you through a process of living from the power of God’s spirit within you.
